Restoring the Sacred

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Words of Relevance: Fr. Barron

Videos will not often be included in our new format, with the exception often being given to Fr. Robert Barron of Word on Fire.  In this video Fr. Barron takes on the likes of Christopher Hitchens (RIP) and Bill Maher, both of whom somewhat proudly wore the title, atheist (Maher still does).  In his analysis of the latest Encyclical from Popes Benedict and Francis: Lumen Fidei, Fr. Barron addresses the supposed dichotomy of Faith and Reason.  Every sentence of Fr. Barron is worth quoting, but it's a short video, and anyway one has to choose, so...

Here's the quote:

Who is God?  God is not an object in the world, precisely because God is the creator of all things.   Faith is not irrational; in fact, faith is the reasonable response to the creator God.

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