Restoring the Sacred

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The President Employs "Proofiness"

"Proofiness," as defined in the below linked article by Kay Hymowitz in City Journal is: "the use of misleading statistics to confirm what you already believe." The article: Why the Gender Gap Won't Go Away. Ever, quotes President Obama when discussing a report called Women in America as saying: "women still earn on average only about 75 cents for every dollar a man earns. That's a huge discrepancy."

Hymowitz agrees that it is a huge discrepancy, but she also proves that the president's statement is a classic example of "proofiness." The so-called gender gap has always been a perfect example of prevarication, but who knew anything about "proofiness?"

The article is long, but worth the read as it deconstructs the long echoed complaints that women do not receive "equal pay for equal work" when compared to their male counterparts. The operative word in that meme is "equal."

What is even worse than the fact that the so-called gender gap will not go away is the willingness on the part of the president to echo the deceptive conclusions reached in the report of the White House Council on Women and Girls.

Why the Gender Gap Won't Go Away. Ever. by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Summer 2011

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