Restoring the Sacred

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Everybody Hates To Say It, BUT...

...the president is a liar.

David Kupelian, managing editor of WorldNetDaily, posted a piece today entitled "President of the lie."

In his article, Kupelian refers to famed psychiatrist M. Scott Peck, and his classic book: "People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil." According to Peck, people who are caught up with evil are, first and foremost, liars. They lie not only to everyone around them, but to themselves as well. Peck continues about such people:

While they seem to lack any motivation to be good, they intensely desire to appear good. Their "goodness" is all on a level of pretense. It is, in effect, a lie. That is why they are the "people of the lie." The wickedness of the evil is not committed directly, but indirectly as a part of this cover-up process.

Peck goes on to explain "malignant narcissism," a malady that has been ascribed elsewhere to President Obama.

Malignant narcissism is characterized by an unsubmitted will. All adults who are mentally healthy submit themselves one way or another to something higher than themselves, be it God or truth or love or some other ideal. … They believe in what is true rather than what they would like to be true.

In summary, to a greater or lesser degree, all mentally healthy individuals submit themselves to the demands of their own conscience. Not so the evil, however. … They are men and women of obviously strong will, determined to have their own way.

Kupelian again:

In one respect, the reason for Obama's constant deception is obvious and understandable. He's committed to leading a center-right country far to the left. How could he possibly succeed if he were honest about where he really is heading? Only a small percentage of Americans would follow. So he lies.

Unfortunately, there's an even uglier aspect to this. You've heard about Obama's notoriously "thin skin" – his near-total inability to handle criticism, to graciously deal with opposition? I'll paraphrase Peck's explanation of such extreme narcissism:

To maintain the illusion that you're right all the time, even though you're profoundly wrong, not only do you have to lie, confuse other people and tempt them to doubt the truth about you and your intentions; you also have to scapegoat the innocent.

Kupelian's article provides numerous examples of Obama's lies and his scapegoating. You can read the whole piece HERE.

H/T: rutusmc

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