Restoring the Sacred

Sunday, April 5, 2009

We Should Have Known

We should have known the real Barack Obama when we became aware of his association with the America hating Reverend, Jeremiah Wright.

We should have known when Michelle Obama made her statement about being proud of her country for the first time in her life.

We should have known, when he published two autobiographies before the age of 47, that he was showing very strong narcissistic tendencies.

We should have known when he duplicitously told an effete group of supporters in San Francisco that the people in rural Pennsylvania cling to guns and religion.

We should have known when he told “Joe the Plumber” that he wanted to “spread the wealth around” better.

We should have known when we learned he had the most liberal voting record in the U. S. Senate during his short stay there.

We should have known when we learned he had never managed anything in his life before deciding he wanted to manage the United States of America.

We should have known when the record showed that as a U. S. senator he never displayed any sign of the bi-partisanship he said was so necessary in Washington.

We should have known when we learned he had launched his political career in the home of an avowed America hater and admitted domestic terrorist.

We should have known when he offered his version of his association with: Reverend Wright, William Ayers, and the now convicted political fixer Tony Rezko, that it smacked of prevarication.

We should have known when he issued his subtle but vituperative attacks on the vice presidential candidate of the other party that those attacks were impelled by ideology.

We should have known when he bragged about his time as a “community organizer” that such a person is not one who brings factions together but rather incites grievances, perceived or real, on the part of one of the factions.

We should have known when he dissembled while trying to answer a simple question about why he was no longer wearing an American flag in his lapel.

Actually, some of us did know all this, but others either did not know it, chose to ignore it as irrelevant, or fell victim to what Shelby Steele has called “White Guilt,” so they could feel good about themselves. Alas, for whatever reason, a sufficient number of registered voters chose Barack Obama and he is now our president.

So now we should not be shocked when he:

*Almost immediately after being elected, names Rahm Emanuel, one of the lowest of the low political partisans in Washington, as his chief of staff.

*Issues an order closing the facility at Guantanamo Bay where, as well documented, some of the most vicious terrorists who want nothing more than to kill Americans have been securely and humanely housed under Geneva Convention rules (even though they are not entitled to them), because he promised to do so during the campaign in order to placate his left wing radical base.

*Rescinds the Mexico City Policy that prohibits U.S. money from funding international family-planning clinics that promote abortion or provide counseling or referrals about abortion services.

*Welcomes to his administration numerous former lobbyists after stating unequivocally during his campaign: “I don’t take a dime of their money (lobbyists), and when I am president they won’t find a job in my White House.”

*Personally attacks, from the white house, a radio talk show host who has the temerity to criticize his socialist leaning agenda.

*Pushes spending plans in the trillions of dollars, spending money we do not have, that will put our children and grandchildren in financial shackles for their entire lives, and pressures members of both parties to pass them without having time to read the details.

*Summons a member of his own party, who voted against one of those plans, to the White House and admonishes him: “Don’t think we’re not keeping score, brother.”

*Continues to campaign almost full time and degrades the office by appearing on late night TV while the majority of the little people are losing sleep over the disintegration of their retirement and education accounts.

*Within the first 100 days in office, “reaches out,” by way of a video, to our “friends” in the “Islamic Republic of Iran” displaying, for the entire muslim world, the weakness they misperceived prior to September 11, 2001.

*Travels to foreign countries and publicly criticizes America for the “arrogance” of his predecessor.

*Signs an executive order lifting the ban on federal funding for stem cell research while disingenuously implying that his predecessor was on the wrong side of a scientific debate.

*Makes initial movement toward a repeal of the 1993 law banning gays from serving openly in the military.

*Regularly creates “straw men” to attack, when he is not openly disparaging his predecessor, in order to make himself look better.

None of these things should shock or surprise us, because we should have known.