Restoring the Sacred

Friday, July 23, 2010

Obamateurism of the Day by HotAir.Com

ED MORRISSEY of HotAir.Com is posting the best Obamateurism of the day on his Blog. This video of a speech by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal is the winner for today. Listen to Obama's advice for those who lost their jobs because of his drilling moratorium; it's at about 1:10 on the tape. Message: he cares.

The President of the United States came down here, met with us in person, and this is what he told us. He said this to me. He said, “Governor, if people lose their jobs because of the moratorium, they can file a BP claim. I said, “Mr. President, with all due respect, what if BP doesn’t pay?” He said, “Don’t worry, Governor, they can file an unemployment claim.”

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