Restoring the Sacred

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Col. McSally's Opponent in Arizona: Frank Antenoni

Retired Special Forces SFC Frank Antenoni is another terrific offering of the GOP in the race to replace retired Representative Gabrielle Giffords in the U.S. Congress.  

Kevin O'Brien wrote about Antenoni recently at PJ Media (that piece is linked below):

Frank is a Special Forces veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. In Afghanistan he was a member of Task Force Dagger, the 200 guys from 5th SF Group who (with their CIA counterparts) won the war before mission creep set in. In Iraq, he was at the Battle of Debecka Pass, where one SF ODA and a few straphangers held off a tank attack. He’s the real deal.
H/T: bmck1

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