Restoring the Sacred

Friday, June 1, 2012

Jack Twyman: "That's What Friends Are For."

That's former NBA great, Jack Twyman, visiting his friend, former NBA great, Maurice Stokes many years ago.  Their story is one of the greatest stories rarely told, and if you never heard it, please read this piece at Cincinnati.Com.
Jack Twyman saved Maurice Stokes. That’s who Twyman was. When he was 23 years old and just starting his own career, family and life, Twyman gave himself to a fallen teammate. 
“That’s what friends are for’’ was how Twyman explained it, many years later.
Maurice Stokes died of a heart attack, on April 16, 1970, at the age of 36.  The last twelve years of his life were spent in a wheelchair, and for the most part with the greatest friend anyone could ask for: Jack Twyman.

Jack Twyman died two days ago at the age of 78.  His obituary was published in The Washington Post.

This is from a story today in The New York Times:
Years after his accident, when Stokes had recovered enough finger flexibility to type, his first message was: “Dear Jack, How can I ever thank you?”
And from St. Thomas Aquinas:

"Love is willing the good of the other as other."

H/T: jpa1948

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