Restoring the Sacred

Friday, August 21, 2015

Sophia Institute: Making Marriage Heaven on Earth (video)

The above video was produce by the Sophia Institute.  Herewith some background:
A Project of Sophia Institute for Teachers
Funded completely through charitable donations, Sophia Institute for Teachers provides Catholic educators with the tools and training they need to catechize students and prepare them to live out the Catholic Faith.
In the past year, Sophia Institute has either hosted or scheduled over 100 catechetical workshops for thousands of Catholic school teachers.
Sophia SketchPad was created as a free resource to help teachers, parents, and catechists articulate the truths of our Faith. In this 6-minute video, we explain why Jesus elevated marriage to a Sacrament, and how married love mirrors the life-giving, unbreakable bond of love of the Blessed Trinity. 
We hope you enjoy this new video and that it is a helpful resource in your classroom, parish, or home.
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