Restoring the Sacred

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Poland: The Heart of Europe / Polska: Serce Europy

This video is a spiritual message, a visual metaphor for the awakening of Poland and others against Islam and the EU; the map is not an accurate representation by any means. The people in the UK and other European countries are slowly beginning to awaken from their slumber, thanks to countries like Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic. In particular, the unprecedented march of Polish citizens this year sent out a powerful message across Europe. The liberal media tried to silence it, belittle its nationalistic value, but thanks to the brave reports from alternative media and individuals, the true spirit of the Polish people shone through.

Poland’s spirit, Poland’s faith, Poland’s humbleness by making Christ King of the nation has awoken something deep, something once lost, something true and honest in the hearts of men as far-flung as the UK. That is why Poland takes priority over Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic, etc. Do not take it as an insult; this video represents the spirit and the heart of all countries that have fought for their right to self-determination. You all have the upmost respect from your beleaguered neighbours who are losing their liberty and freedoms from within their own nations, thrown away to appease foreign ideologies that demand suppression of all that we once held as virtuous, only to be replaced by submission, weakness, fear, and cowardly silence. We salute your courage and integrity. And with that Visegrad spirit, it will provide the courage for others to take a stand before it is too late.