Restoring the Sacred

Friday, June 5, 2009

Justice? Progress? Tolerance?

What a nice thought: America and Islam overlap because we share common principles: Justice, Progress, Tolerance, and Dignity for all human beings. Really? Is he speaking of Islam as a religion or a political movement? I'm not sure, but to concede that Islam as either one shares those principles with us is a lot more than a stretch. To say that Islam as a religion or political movement even embraces those principles is a total fiction, and he has to know that. There was a lot written about "The Speech" delivered by President Obama in Egypt yesterday, and I'm linking to three of the very best essays I could find.

The first is by Charles Krauthammer, who is never prone to suffer fools gladly. Here's the link:

Here is Andy McCarthy, the former federal prosecutor and author of Willful Blindness: Memoir of the Jihad.

The third is by Iranian born conservative journalist Amir Taheri.

Finally there was this from the Heritage Foundation Morning Bell:

Writing in the Daily Telegraph, The Heritage Foundation’s Director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom Nile Gardiner comments:

President Obama’s feel-good Cairo speech will do little to strengthen America’s position in the Middle East. It is a speech that projects weakness and contrition rather than American leadership - at times the president seemed embarrassed about America’s global power and achievements. Many of Obama’s statements were apologetic in tone, and the speech failed to recognize the huge role the United States has played in freeing tens of millions of Muslims from the Baathists and the Taliban. In fact no country in history has done more to defend Muslims from oppression than America, from Afghanistan to Kosovo to Iraq. The president’s address will only deepen the impression among both America’s enemies and allies that Barack Obama does not have the stomach for a long war against Islamist terrorism, nor the will to stand up to the Iranian nuclear threat. The world needs stronger leadership than this.