Restoring the Sacred

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Thomas Sowell: The Cult of Multiculturalism

Dr. Thomas Sowell, writing today, on National Review Online, discusses the remarks made on the subject of multiculturalism by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and adds his own views (which he has not been shy about sharing over the years) on the subject.

The Cult of Multiculturalism - Thomas Sowell - National Review Online

Some clips:
"We kidded ourselves for a while,” Chancellor Merkel said, but now it was clear that the attempt to build a society where people of very different languages and cultures could “live side by side” and “enjoy each other” has “failed, utterly failed.”

This is not a lesson for Germany alone. In countries around the world, and over the centuries, peoples with jarring differences in language, culture, and values have been a major problem and, too often, sources of major disasters for the societies in which they coexist.

The absorption of millions of immigrants from Europe into American society may be cited as an example of the success of multiculturalism. But, in fact, they were absorbed in ways that were the direct opposite of what the multicultural cult is recommending today.