Restoring the Sacred

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ryan / Odierno 2012

Joshua Riddle, writing on Ricochet.Com had a lot of good things to say about Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, who appears to be the smartest man on Capitol Hill when it comes to budgetary matters and the size and scope of government.

Bill Kristol of The Weekly Standard, in a recent interview with The Washington Post, said when asked about his pick for the GOP in 2012: "Ryan-Odierno 2012! You can quote me on that -- a wish and a prediction."

Sounds like a pretty good ticket right now, but General Ray Odierno is still serving in the Army, as Commander, United States Joint Forces Command, and has never signaled (at least publicly) any interest in running for political office. At least he has never been known to share a glass of wine with Hillary Clinton in front of her fireplace as has his former boss, David Petraeus.

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