Restoring the Sacred

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Mike Huckabee Clears the Air

Mike Huckabee's speech at the GOP Convention last night was largely overlooked, but he had a very clear message, and delivered it forcefully:
Let me clear the air about whether guys like me would only support an evangelical. Of the four people on the two tickets, the only self-professed evangelical is Barack Obama, and he supports changing the definition of marriage, believes that human life is disposable and expendable at any time in the womb or even beyond the womb, and tells people of faith that they must bow their knees to the god of government and violate their faith and conscience in order to comply with what he calls health care… The attack on my Catholic brothers and sisters is an attack on me....This isn't a battle about contraceptives and Catholics, but of conscience and the Creator. I care far less as to where Mitt Romney takes his family to church than I do about where he takes this country. (emphasis added)

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