Restoring the Sacred

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Matt Walsh: Abortion and The Gays Right to Cake

Matt Walsh is at it again: speaking truth to propaganda.  His post today is entitled: It’s legal to kill babies, but let’s worry about a gay person’s right to cake.

You can read the whole post by clicking on the above hyperlink, and here is a little taste:
Progressivism is indeed a self-inflicted mental disorder, and last week provided us with a stunning illustration of this fact...
First Indiana passed a religious freedom bill giving business owners the right to refuse to do things that might go against their religious beliefs. For instance, as has happened a few times now, a bakery might decide it doesn’t want to bake a cake for a gay wedding...
Well, the idea of gays possibly being deprived of cake and other commodities sent our society into a tizzy. They yelled and screamed and organized boycotts, insisting that allowing businesses to potentially refuse service, in some circumstances, constitutes a dehumanization of gay people...
Meanwhile, in Colorado, Dynal Lane stabbed Michelle Wilkins in the uterus, cut her open, and ripped out her unborn daughter. Wilkins almost bled to death, and her young daughter died...
The Colorado DA announced that no murder charges will be filed against Lane. Sure, there will be dozens of other charges related to, among other things, attempted murder of Wilkins, but there will be nothing on her rap sheet indicating that she killed a person. That’s because, of course, in Colorado and in the rest of the country, an unborn infant doesn’t count as a person.