Restoring the Sacred

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time to Clean House at Justice

That's Chuck Grassley, Republican Senator from Iowa. He's not always on the right side of things (but then who is?), but he's relentlessly pursuing Attorney General Eric Holder to name the political appointees in the department of justice who (before being rewarded for working on the Obama campaign) worked pro bono (for the public good, i.e., free of charge) on behalf of the Islamic lunatics at Guantanamo whose sole purpose in life was to re-establish the caliphate throughout the free world - and kill as many of us along the way as they could.

Of course, these lawyers would tell you, immediately, that they did what they did on behalf of the Islamic lunatics because "everyone is entitled to a defense," but does that apply to enemy combatants? These same lawyers are now deciding or influencing the decisions at the department of justice as to how to deal with, for example, the Christmas Day bomber, and we already know that the decision made by Eric Holder in that case (which might now be on the verge of being changed) was to treat him as a common criminal who was entitled to a court appointed lawyer. These lawyers need not only to be identified, they need to be sent back to their Left leaning law firms where they can do us less harm. Maybe that's why Holder is clearly refusing to identify his friends (and fellow travelers), because the hue and cry for their firings would be deafening.

The Prowler posted a piece titled Nameless Abettors on the American Spectator Blog yesterday. It outlines clearly yet another scandal in this administration (how many is that now?), that has for the most part gone unnoticed. The Prowler's piece can be found here.

Keep America Safe just produced this video, which is not going over well at the Holder justice department.

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