Dr. Thomas Sowell takes the mainstream media to task for once again (in the Trayvon Martin case) "filtering and slanting the news to fit their own vision of the world."
"One of the first things presented in the media was a transcript of a conversation between George Zimmerman and a police dispatcher. The last line in most of the transcripts shown on TV was that of the police dispatcher telling Zimmerman not to continue following Trayvon Martin."That became the basis of many media criticisms of Zimmerman for continuing to follow him. Only later did I see a transcript of that conversation on the Sean Hannity program that included Zimmerman’s reply to the police dispatcher: “Okay.”
"That reply removed the only basis for assuming that Zimmerman did in fact continue to follow Trayvon Martin. At this point, neither I nor the people who assumed that he continued to follow the teenager have any basis in fact for believing that he did or didn’t."
You can read the article on National Review Online by clicking on the link below:http://www.nationalreview.com/articles/297172/racism-and-george-zimmerman-thomas-sowell