The feminist groups are not standing up for Israel, because they are about as far Left as any group can be, and they simply don't like a nation such as Israel because she does not support their Leftist agenda. Feminists everywhere will have no credibility until they have the courage to stand up against the treatment of women in Muslim countries.Why do they condemn Israel for its treatment of women while they ignore the way the rest of the Middle East treats women? Where are the feminist groups on these issues? Why are they not standing up for Israel?
The above video was forwarded by E-Mail today from a group called "Synonymous."
Here's a copy of the E-Mail:
Hello Ocean Kayaker,We are Synonymous, a fresh new pro-Israeli web group. We produce short videos defending and advocating for Israel. We came across your blog entry: of this, we would like to share with you our latest video: Zionism is Synonymous with Feminism hope the content of the video meets your approval and you'll share it with your friends and followers.Shalom Aleichem.