Restoring the Sacred

Friday, February 12, 2010

Expert Advice Should Not Be Ignored

That's Andrew McCathy (top) and former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, the two men who know more about the proper handling of captured terrorists than anyone else on the planet. McCarthy was the prosecutor who convicted the Blind Sheik for the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center. The case was tried before Judge Michael Mukasey, who later became Attorney General in the George W Bush administration. These two experts have been warning ever since that trying terrorists, who commit acts of war against the United States, in our civilian courts is a major mistake. They both agree that such terrorists should be tried before military tribunals (preferably in a secure location such as Guantanamo Bay, Cuba). The current attorney general, though, without consulting with these experts, apparently decided on his own (although no thinking person believes that) to try Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of the 911 attacks, in U. S. District Court in Manhattan, blocks from the location of destruction of the Twin Towers. It appears just lately that that ludicrous decision might be rescinded and any trial of KSM will be held before a military tribunal - something always considered by the vast majority of Americans to be a no-brainer.

Yesterday on The Corner on National Review Online, McCarthy discussed a piece from the Washington Post written by General Mukasey on the topic, and includes several informative links. Please take time to read all the linked material to acquaint yourself with the incompetence of Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department. Without trying to sound partisan, Eric Holder has not made one correct decision since assuming his current post, and it's really time for him to go.

Mukasey Shreds Obama Administration's Legal Claims on Christmas Bomber - Andy McCarthy - The Corner on National Review Online

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