Restoring the Sacred

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Antidote for Obamacare: The “Small Bill”

That's Dr. Benjamin Rush (1745 – 1813). He was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was a physician, writer and educator, and the founder of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.

Jeffrey Anderson, director of the Benjamin Rush Society, introduced a one page proposal he calls The Small Bill as an alternative to Obamacare. I prefer to call it an antidote since the Bill signed into law by the president is poison. If you agree that Obamacare is at least a very bad idea, and you'd rather keep government bureaucrats from making decisions that you'd prefer were made by your doctor - and don't have the time to read and try to understand a 2,000 page Bill - click on the link below and when you have time open the links on it and see what you think. It appears to be gaining a lot of attention and, hopefully, momentum.

The “Small Bill” Proposal for Sensible Health-Care Reform

If you'd like to know more about the Benjamin Rush Society, go here.

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