Restoring the Sacred

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Andrew C. McCarthy: It’s the Enemy, Stupid.

Andrew McCarthy, writing on National Review Online today, hits the target on what caused the big win in Massachusetts yesterday for Scott Brown. Health care reform certainly played a part, but it was national security above everything else that resonated with the voters. Here's a clip (Eric Holder take note):

The laws of war are the rule of law. They are not a suspension of the Constitution. They are the Constitution operating in wartime. The Framers understood that there would be wars against enemies of the United States — it is stated explicitly in the Constitution’s treason clause (Art. III, Sec. 3). The American people understand that we have enemies, even if Washington sees them as political “engagement” partners waiting to happen. Americans also grasp that war is a political and military challenge that the nation has to win, not a judicial proceeding in which your enemies are presumed innocent. The rule of law is not and has never been the rule of lawyers — especially lawyers we can’t vote out of office when they say we must let trained terrorists move in next door.

To read the whole piece click on the link below.

It’s the Enemy, Stupid by Andrew C. McCarthy on National Review Online

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