Restoring the Sacred

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Get ready for cuts in Medicare

Will Obama pay the price for cutting Medicare? | Washington Examiner

Byron York is a nationally syndicated columnist. He is the chief political correspondent for The Washington Examiner, and a frequent guest on television news shows. The article above points out the vastly different reaction (by the Democrats) to plans to cut Medicare, depending on who is proposing those cuts. Interestingly, the "cuts" proposed by Newt Gringrich back in 1994-1995 were not cuts at all; they were a diminution in the annual growth of spending. The cuts necessary to fund Obamacare, however, are real and will be hurtful.

And yet now, here is Obama, proposing to squeeze hundreds of billions of dollars out of Medicare, and Democrats who were apoplectic in 1995 are strangely quiet. "When we proposed it, it was called a 'draconian cut,'" recalls one veteran Republican Hill aide. "Now, it's called 'savings.'"

What a difference 15 years and a change of administrations can make.

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