Thursday, August 20, 2009
Obama's Bait and Switch
Obama's Bait and Switch by Thomas Sowell on National Review Online
Dr. Thomas Sowell (see prior posts: July 28, July 29, August 5) continues to dissect Obamacare in the above article published today on National Review Online. Here are two snippets from the above article:
Despite incessant repetition of the fact that millions of Americans do not have medical insurance, hardy souls who have actually read the mammoth medical-care legislation being rushed through Congress have discovered all sorts of things there that have nothing whatever to do with insuring the uninsured — and everything to do with taking medical decisions out of the hands of doctors and their patients, and transferring those decisions to Washington bureaucrats.
If telling us that he is not for a single-payer system will soothe us into going along, then it is perfectly understandable why he said it. But that is no reason for us to believe him.
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