Restoring the Sacred

Friday, July 3, 2009

Helen Thomas Has Had It!

Who would have guessed that Helen Thomas of all people would be the White House reporter to attack the Obama administration on its total lack of transparency. Robert Gibbs of CBS got things started by criticising the stacking of the deck of yesterday's "townhall" meeting at which the questions and questioners were pre-screened so as not to embarrass the president by showing just how little he actually knows and understands about his plan to revamp health care in our country.

The other side is already spinning the attack by describing Helen Thomas as someone who has always been a curmudgeon. They're right, of course, she has always been a curmudgeon, but she's always been their curmudgeon. For one brief shining moment yesterday, Helen Thomas was our curmudgeon, and speaking for all the curmudgeons on our side I just want to say: Thank you, Helen, and God bless you.